
Tough Troubles “Tough Troubles” (2009)

2. January 2021 Adam Matlock 0

According to Tough Troubles, this disc falls under the “broad church of punk,” albeit punk filtered through Hawkwind’s equal dosage of LSD and amphetamines. The core of these songs are driving drum machines and well-recorded […]


To-Mera “Delusions” (2008)

2. January 2021 Ulv 0

To-mera is one of those bands who have the profound ability to pick up the best their influences offer and form a great album, delicious to your ears, eyes and other scenes. Therefore I shall […]


Tiamat “Prey” (2003)

2. January 2021 Polygon 0

With “Wildhoney” Johan Edlund established Tiamat 1994 as a strong and inspired force of avant-garde metal. The follower “A Deeper Kind Of Slumber” (1997), demonstrated Edlunds passion for 80’s dark-pop/rock sounds and his aversion to […]


Tiamat “Wildhoney” (1994)

2. January 2021 Tentakel P. 0

Ah, 1994. Those were glorious times. It was the year when I started to seriously listen to Metal, and one of the best years to pick from an embarrassment of riches. I remember MACHINE HEAD […]


Thy Catafalque “Sgúrr” (2015)

2. January 2021 James Slone 0

Thy Catafalque, the art metal project of Hungarian multi-instrumentalist Tamás Kátai, has been making progressively larger waves in the underground metal scene since relocating to Scotland. Mr. Kátai is something of a folk hero, or […]


Thy Catafalque “Rengeteg” (2011)

2. January 2021 AGMHQ 0

This is an excellent work to start following Thy Catafalque for those of you who are not familiar with the band and the musical path it leads. I find “Rengeteg” (which means “a lot” in […]

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