Thorns “Thorns” (2001)
This world is a breathing mechanism. The ghosts of the machine are the sirens on its shores. They hammer you like the parasite that you are, through tunnels of existence. But existence does not care […]
This world is a breathing mechanism. The ghosts of the machine are the sirens on its shores. They hammer you like the parasite that you are, through tunnels of existence. But existence does not care […]
First a word of caution : I will not be using the actual titles of the songs, rather referring to track numbers. Why, you ask ? Because they appear as indecipherable symbols in my player […]
Many years (and albums) ago Italy´s Thee Maldoror Kollective (TMK) abandoned their black metal sound for a more eclectic, cut-and-paste experimental approach, creating expansive tracks out of cinematic genre-hopping vignettes, threaded together with horror and science fiction […]
These guys have been active more or less since 1991. Starting with Black Metal under the name FUNERAL FOG, they recorded three demos until they changed their name to MALDOROR. They recorded several demos and […]
When I was reviewing TdV’s previous album “Anima Noir”, I had concluded with the following: “Let’s cross our fingers that their new album (which was scheduled for January 2011) will not suffer from similar mistakes.” […]
Is it still surprising that black metalish bands tend to go a bit avantgarde when they started get older? Is it still surprising that most female-fronted bands seriously sexually objectify their singer and try to […]
My opinion is that we very rarely feel 666% challenged in the inexhaustible field of band music regardless of genre, much less by the tense-ass-hole world of Metal. The simple idea of listening to a […]
It could have been a huge success of the east European cinema: Cooperation between the mysterious landscapes, the grim myths and moods with the melancholic spirit. But instead the film, the music came along. One […]
As far as straight up metal goes, Nijmegen, the Netherlands’ The Sin Committee is a cool band. As is almost never the case with avant garde bands, TSC has a fairly good shot at the […]
BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. The silence of that usual urban night was so thick and vicious, that noises struggled to get through it. But I could clearly hear a few shots in the alley right […]
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