
Gruenewald “II” (2009)

5. June 2020 Tentakel P. 0

“This guy lives in his own little cosmos” – most people who are the target of this phrase have to endure mockery and taunts rather than admiration. In this case, astonishment is the least of […]


Gruenewald “Gruenewald” (2008)

5. June 2020 Tentakel P. 0

Yes, you read correct. Speed Metal. But only if you are a giant thousand years old and thousand meters in height, because if you are, things happen a little more slowly in your world. Christian […]


Gromth “The Immortal” (2011)

5. June 2020 Asa Septikemi 0

GROMTH is a new acquaintance to the world of symphonic metal, now releasing their first full-length The Immortal, but some members ought to be well-known to most of us: Grimd (KHOLD) are in charge of […]


Gorguts “Colored Sands” (2013)

5. June 2020 Camille Giraudeau 0

Ah, the long-awaited Gorguts comeback. Couldn’t go wrong in any way. Lots have happened during the decade-long wait for “Colored Sands”. “Obscura” gained an almost godlike and influential status, breeding a whole new kind of […]


Gorguts “Obscura” (1998)

5. June 2020 Simon Brand 0

Sitting on the throne of insane-asylum death-metal since its release in 1998, Obscura has left listeners young and old scratching, banging and pounding their heads with its complete disregard for tonality, standard structures and your […]


Golden Dawn “The Art of Dreaming”

5. June 2020 Tentakel P. 0

Another lesson in nostalgia: Who remembers PC classics like Dungeon Master, Wizardry, Ultima and/or Might And Magic? If you get wet panties just because these names are even mentioned, consider to accompany your next retro […]


Gire “Gire” (2007)

5. June 2020 revon 0

What I’m holding in my hands right now after a long wait and six demos is Gire’s first, self-titled album which is definitely deserves some spotlight. Although being “sunk” in the metal-for-masses metal scene of […]

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