
Blut Aus Nord “MoRT”

2. May 2018 Chrystof Niederwieser 0

For a long time Blut Aus Nord have been darlings of the “true” black metal scene. Their productions have been raw. Their music and their lyrics have fulfilled every cliché. But one day Satan came […]


Blood Stain Child “Epsilon” (2007)

2. May 2018 Can Baskent 0

Japanese bands still surprise me, and they surprise me deeply. My expedition in the Japanese metal territories has started quite recently, I must admit. My way leading to BSC is perhaps very similar. Discovering an […]


Blackdrone Inc. “Blackdrone, Inc.” (2009)

2. May 2018 Adryuu 0

BLACKDRONE INC. is a band comprised of Lord Fraktal (the guitar mad italian guy), Nihil (Joey Hopkins, RIP – the US electronics master), and Mr. Graviton (another US man of Vesperian Construct fame). There’s a mention also to Zweizz who contributes with samples. We are […]

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