Klabautamann “Merkur” (2009)

WARNING: Don’t read this review any further because it will only devour time you could spend listening to “Merkur” instead.

The guys from KLABAUTAMANN have forced me into a very, very difficult position here. It might have dawned to one or the other reader that my review of VALBORG (also from Zeitgeister) included some humorous aspects based on my affection for Zeitgeister-releases, making fun of my objectivity and suggesting I might be persuaded to write good reviews for a constant supplement of free promo-material. So, now I have the next Zeitgeister-release here. Now, who will take it serious when I – yet AGAIN – have only praise to utter for “Merkur”, the newest KLABAUTAMANN-album? Will anyone believe in my objectivity anymore? How can I possibly make it look like I do really think “Merkur” is a great album? I guess the only way to make that happen is this – use no exaggerations, stick to the facts, analyse “Merkur” as a musical work. One, two, three–

“Merkur” is an overwhelmingly strong and great album. It is damn well the best album I have heard this year so far, and I doubt another one will top that. It is superior to most of the stuff released in Black Metal nowadays (and it is not limited to that genre anyways) It is – simply put – super, the music is beautiful, the booklet and artwork is beautiful, the musicians are beaut-

Stop, calm down, facts. Facts, facts, facts.

The Black Metal (base of it all) parts are so atmospheric my living room freezes. The acoustic guitar parts (and nearly all of the melodies) are not from this world, dreamlike and beautiful, music to drift away into space to die. The sound effects fit like the fist on the cow pat. The sound is, though raw and unpolished, clear and nearly perfect for the album. Paradox? You bet. Sometimes it feels as if Al Di Meola has to decided to play guitars for ENSLAVED, and in the title song I nearly wet my pants when KLABAUTAMANN combine raging Black Metal with 70ties influence which evokes nostalgic memories of a time when URIAH HEEP and CARLOS SANTANA where totally hip. There are many cross-references to other Zeitgeister-projects like ISLAND and GRUENEWALD, which is maybe not completely avoidable as Florian Toyka is also involved in ISLAND and Christian Kolf from GRUENEWALD provides pensive guest vocals on “Der Wald ist ein Meer”, but this robs KLABAUTAMANN not even slightly of their own identity. Which, by the way, is one completely of its own. KLABAUTAMANN bring forth an opus with such a strong spiritual undertone that smoking half a kilo Marihuana is nothing against the wave of consciousness “Merkur” crushes you with.

I now dare any of the Zeitgeister bands to write an album that I dislike. Because, as it seems, this would take a LOT more effort than the alternative. And now for something completely different:

Suggestive hypnosis.

Play the new KLABAUTAMANN-album. Press “Repeat”. Play the new KLABAUTAMANN-album. Press “Repeat”. Play the new KLABAUTAMANN-album. Press “Repeat”. Play the new KLABAUTAMANN-album. Press “Repeat”. Play the new KLABAUTAMANN-album. Press “Repeat”. Play the new KLABAUTAMANN-album.

-Tentakel P.


Release:  2009
Label:  Zeitgeister
Avantgenre:  Universal Metal
Duration:  48:57
Origin:  Germany
Official site:  http://www.klabautamann.de
Review online since:  07.07.2009 / 21:16:31


01 – Unter Bäumen
02 – When I Long For Life
03 – Stygian
04 – Herbsthauch
05 – Morn Of Solace
06 – Der Wald Ist Ein Meer
07 – Merkur
08 – Lurker In The Moonlight
09 – Noatun

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