
Abigor “Fractal Possession” (2007)

28. April 2018 Tentakel P. 0

“The music of ABIGOR is a weapon and shall haunt all those who try to discover something beautiful in it!” This statement is found on the “Nachthymnen”-Album; taking them literally I’ll try to convert most […]


Aberrant Vascular “Pelopia” (2007)

28. April 2018 Jobst 0

This is a three-piece suite EP, the latest effort from the Finnish band. Already at the inside cover, the band stages itself as “operatic avantgarde metal”, and this claim has a lot to do with […]


Aarni “Tohcoth” (2008)

28. April 2018 Jobst 0

Welcome to the monkey ranch, welcome to the land of hallucinations. Welcome to Finland. But this time, it is not the naïve head-trip into the caves of wonderland. It is apocalypse-driven psycho-buzz and that giant […]


Aarni “Bathos” (2004)

28. April 2018 Jobst 0

Someone wrote sometime, somewhere along the net, that Aarni’s music is doom-metal standing on its head. Well, I’m not sure whether is the head, but is sure does see the world upside down. Listening to […]

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