
Wrathage “Discipline” (2015)

11. May 2018 AGMHQ 0

Although Wrathage, the extreme metallers from Oulou, Finland, have been spreading their extreme metal art since 1997, it was only earlier this year that they released their debut full-length album Discipline. After three years of intense preparation, […]


Aenaon / Stielas Storhett “Er/ Alter Ego” (2012)

28. April 2018 AGMHQ 0

Greek avantgarde black metal act AENAON and the atmospheric one-man black metal piece STIELAS STORHETT decided to combine their unique and diverse musical competences offering an exceptional new release, different and enthralling especially for the […]


Aenaon “Extance” (2014)

28. April 2018 AGMHQ 0

“Extance”. Is it an outward existence, or an ecstatic entity possessed by rapturous delight? Why not both? With their sophomore album, the Greek progressive black ensemble Aenaon have set out to expand the boundaries of […]

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