Oranssi Pazuzu “Muukalainen Puhuu” (2009)

Instruments used: guitars, bass, drums, synthesizers, vocals.
General impression: narcotic and celestial.
Antecedents in music history: none or not much.
Only known purpose: to mesmerize your brain waves.

And here we go!

A new band from Finland caught my attention last year with their first record. I can’t recall exactly why but I had to track them down somehow, which I did. Bought it from Finland and sat at home with it. As soon as the first track nurtured me in, it was quite clear that Oranssi Pazuzu really did work thoroughly on their sound identity. It has to be heard by an experienced metal head to understand what I’m talking about. The music is metal but off the righteous path indeed, in a most delightful way I should say, i.e. ‘otherness guaranteed’. The “band” and “jamming live” feelings are maximised through the art of alien spokes-‘persons’ distorting the lows and the highs. For one thing, these guys know what they’re doing, and they do it on their own. But frankly put, it’s hard to relate Muukalainen Puhuu with any known tradition in the Metal genre. Instead, many other musical wonders come to mind when Oranssi Pazuzu pays me a visionary visit. Not quite industrial and electronic though crunchy to the bone and densely textured, not quite Black metal though eerie spooky doodle wee, not quite Dub music though bass-driven and downright trippy, not quite Prog though with lot’s of progression out of the norms of progressive music, not quite Krautrock nor Post-Rock though head-noddingly repetitive and psychedelic, not quite x though y – ad nauseam. To top that off, all their songs, from the jewelled dub ballads to the harder, space-thrashing compositions, have a cosmic (as in non-terrestrial) quality which gets me coming back to the album, even after months of listening, simply because most Space music considered, this stuff is certainly original and convincing like none other. Cinematic, psychological metallish thriller bordering on lush science-fiction dub. Cutting edge production, off the bench instru-‘mental’ creativity and highly entertaining throughout.

I warmly recommend it to everyone. The sixth track, Dub Kuolleen Porton Muistolle, is the one I fell in love with. We remain as yet unconstitutionally married.

To be continued…

-Oliver Side

Release:  2009
Label:  Violent Journey Records
Avantgenre:  Psilocibynian Dub Black Meth-AL
Duration:  44:35
Origin:  Finland
Official site:  http://www.myspace.com/oranssipazuzu
Review online since:  18.01.2010 / 23:55:42


01 – Korppi
02 – Danjon Nolla
03 – Kangastus 1968
04 – Suuri Pää Taivaasta
05 – Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Teatterin Rukoilijasirkka
06 – Dub Kuolleen Porton Muistolle
07 – Muukalainen Puhuu
08 – Kerettiläinen Vuohi

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