Johann Wolfgang Pozoj “Birth of Pozoj” (2006)

Johann Wolfgang Pozoj

Pozoj. Lost. Eternal. Tragic.

Pozoj, a mythological creature, a dragon. In Indo-European mythologies it sleeps among the roots of the world tree, in the underground, he is connected with water. Up, amongst the branches is the highfather (deus pater), the thunderer. Pozoj constantly ruins his balance and thus makes the highfather throw lightning bolts at him, thus the rain begins to pour down. This brings balance to the world of humans, he is a symbol of change, the circling of life… and the myth continues through various cultures and ages to this very day.

The music! Touching and melancholic, very intensive…let me just say that one listening isn’t enough, you have to identify with the music, with it’s meaning. It’s a song for nature, deep and strong in it’s minimal moments, raw and wild in it’s primal passages. Sometimes, if you relax and dive into it, the music reveals some of our (humanity’s) common memories, as an anamnesis of a certain kind. It drives you back to nature, brings forth the allegoric meanings of the myths, of the sun, of the skies. Seldom do we gaze upwards towards the clouds and above them, where (since the beginning of our beliefs) we put gods and divine deities. In the same manner, we never look under our feet, to the soil that fed us, the soil that sheltered us, the one which decomposed us. That is the meaning of the music, to open your eyes…or your soul, to those old feelings within. Long ago, Pozoj fled from our world, and it’s escape symbolizes tragedy. This is a vision of it’s birth.

“Birth of Pozoj”, the first album of this band is marked by mostly long songs, all of them mixtures of various styles- from a post black metal idea, patterned with symphonic and crust lines, linked together by ambient and doom, is not a collage, but a monolith. It’s an inner voice of a person lost in the time of false values.

This is one of those albums where you can’t pint out a song, because it functions as one peace, a single thought. The music is very varied: long ambient and (semi) acoustic parts as well as some crusty varieties of black, the influences are numerous!It is a group of people with a great vision. Pozoj escaped from us thousands of years ago, now in 2002. A.D. he has returned, listen to his song!

“Today, I take my heroin
for a moment, I will dissapear…”

(some more info)

– there is a downloadable sample of their track “Atodistraktiv” on
-one can order “Birth of Pozoj” fro the band or the label ( for a miserable price of 3 euros



Release:  2006
Label:  Progressive Attack
Avantgenre:  A Post Black Symphocrust Tragedy Expirience
Duration:  53:42
Origin:  Croatia
Official site:
Review online since:  12.04.2008 / 11:14:56


01 – Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes
02 – Queen Emeraldas
03 – Autodistraktiv
04 – Hisperia
05 – Outro

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