After his activities in THE GROTESQUE and AT THE GATES, Alf Svensson decided to work with some previously unreleased material, which ended in the albums of OXIPLEGATZ (named after a creature in a Donald Duck magazine). The one man “band” never fit into a certain genre, it’s Death Metal, it’s Black Metal, it’s a mix of many styles – describing all details of OXIPLEGATZ’s music is as tricky as trying to escape from a super massive black hole. “Worlds And Worlds” is the second of three outputs (a review of the third album “Sidereal Journey” can be found here), and deals also with the aspects of future and what dangers will await homo sapiens stellaris out there. The songs vary in style and lyrics, each representing a single world of this acoustic solar system.
“Worlds and worlds, their destiny lies to be conquered.” (Quote from “Abandon Earth”)
Sometimes Alf’s voice is accompanied by his sister Sara, who is a good addition to this album and underlines the slow-tempo-parts in a unique way. On the other hand some songs have a very aggressive metal feeling, where the drum computer tries to accelerate to warp speed. Even an old song found its way onto the album: “Graveyard dream” was written by Alf for THE GROTESQUE, but never recorded before. The last three songs represent my favourite part of “Worlds And Worlds”, calm and with clean vocals and sometimes even without guitars and drums, only synthesizers and the voices of Sara and Alf, music for dedicated stargazers who often look up to the sky and ask themselves what’s going on in the endless depths of the void. One negative point is the sound. Sadly it could be better because of the lack of much budget back in 1996. Nowadays for sure it would be easier to give this album the technical strength it deserves.
This band has ever been dedicated to the unknown of the final frontier, to things beyond the borders of imagination. If you want to explore new horizons, give this album a try and take part on this journey to the universe of OXIPLEGATZ.
Release: 1996
Label: Fairytale Records / Season Of Mist
Avantgenre: Metallic Tales From Distant Worlds
Duration: 38:02
Origin: Sweden
Official site: http://tinyurl.com/2yqydu
Review online since: 02.11.2007 / 13:58:53
01 – Battle Of Species
02 – First Contact – Conflict
03 – Aftermath
04 – Quest
05 – Graveyard Dream
06 – Usurpers
07 – The End Is Nigh
08 – Abandon Earth
09 – Journey
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