Some months ago the newborn realms of DOL THEETA spelled its first bewitching chants: The marvellous debut MCD “Goddess” (read review here) granted a first gaze into the new musical universe of DOL AMMAD mastermind Thanasis Lightbridge. While DOL AMMAD is explosions and exploration, light speed and sun storms, DOL THEETA unfolds the mysterious, phantasmagorical dream side of the “Electronic Art Metal” collective.
“Goddess” already promised a lot, but still left one question open: Which of all those multi-colored facets of the MCD unveil the path of the first full-length album? Is it the catchiness of the title song refrain or the morphic complexity of “Deathstars”? How will all the Trance-Ethno-Electro-Pop-Metal-Psychedelic-Ambient elements unite in the first 58 minutes epos of DOL THEETA?
“A Psychedelic Experience…” The voice that led through the enigmatic whispers of the intro speaks its last words. Ultra-fat electro-bass pumps out of my speakers. But instead of a Techno beat soft, crystalline keyboards set in to entwine them peacefully. Finally drums and heavy guitars join in apace mid-tempo. Still the keyboards spread a narcotic, unreal atmosphere. This is the start into another world. The voyage begins. The opener “Silver Air” is the dream of doors, the entrance to the intraversal multitudes of DOL THEETA. The spherical angel voices of Kortessa rise – mysterious, spaced-off, sometimes soft and fragile, sometimes bombastic and overwhelming, always bewitching and enthralling.
The journey leads to very peaceful, tranquil shores like “Nighttime”, furious rides through lunacy (end of “Mud”), smooth, chilly lounge-sounds (“Every Goodbye”) and dramatic bombast like the culmination of “Afterlife Crescendo”. On the pop-metal hymn “Something called Tomorrow” Thanasis himself contributes the male vocals, which gives a very harmonic duet together with Kortessa. His voice sounds a bit like the young Ozzy Osborne if he had ever cared a bit about his health. Definitely something that I’d be pleased to hear again on forthcoming releases.
While DOL AMMAD shows the metal side of “Electronic Art Metal”, DOL THEETA strongly emphasizes its electronic sides. There are a lot of double bass drums and heavy, distorted guitar riffs. But they are mixed discreetly into the background. The sound is dominated by synthesizers, FX and the spherical vocals of Kortessa. So this is a completely new approach to Electro-Metal and creates an unreal, hypnotic atmosphere in which you easily can drown and loose yourself.
While DOL AMMAD captures the listener immediately with it’s epic hymns, DOL THEETA has to be explored. The deeper you dive, the more it reveals its rich treasures. It’s an album that offers you new experiences each time you’re listening. Even after the 65th listening you still can discover new facets and details, new meanings and atmospheres, new riddles and truths. It’s not just an album – it’s an adventure.
DOL THEETA is indeed a real Psychedelic Experience. It can bring you to any place in the universe. Don’t miss this magnificent mindtrip!
Release: 2008, December
Label: Electronic Art Metal Records
Avantgenre: Electronic Metal Psychedelia
Duration: 57:50
Origin: Greece
Official site: http://www.thanasislightbridge.com/index.php
Review online since: 04.02.2009 / 19:06:32
01. Which Are You |
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