Bethlehem “Schatten Aus Der Alexander Welt” (2001)

I was wondering what Krauts would sound like that can be found in the ‘Kielwasser’ of Avantgarde Metal. ‘Kielwasser’ is a German word for ‘wake’. ‘Kiel’ (which is also a German city) is a nautical word, but I am no sailor, so I have no idea what part of a ship or the sea it is exactly. I am listening to the 2-CD-version of the album right now, I think there is a one CD version too. There is a ‘Prise’ of Rammstein in this album. ‘Prise’ is also German, like the ‘band’ (and ‘Kielwasser’) and means something like ‘pinch’. Actually ‘band’ is the same in German as it is in English but it is written with a capital letter in German for it is a noun. ‘Noun’ can be translated with either ‘Nomen’ (which sounds very intellectual) or ‘Hauptwort’. I like some of the interruptions in the album where the musicians cut in some takes from movies or tv-shows as it seems and I am terribly sad when those takes end and the ‘Musik’ (engl.: music) starts again.

I assume this album has a concept which is either catastrophic or terrific, depending on your overall brain activity. Some songs are narration only and astonish with sentences like “Kontrolle ist mein Ausweg aber nicht meine Intelligenz.” (“Control is my way out, but not my intelligence”). Check out some of the song titles! I don’t get the concept but you might want to listen to the Hörspiel-song #05 “Kapitel Hummer” on CD1 to learn some German or wonder about weird flowers of German romanticism. Number #08 on CD1 “Mary Samaels NFB 418” is ready to be looted by Justin Timberlake.

More songs and stories can be found on CD2, which starts with a very Depeche Mode-like intro. The narrator is getting on my nerves. Review ends here.

-Jonny Lignano


Release:  2001
Label:  Prophecy Productions
Avantgenre:  LatemlacorpiceR
Duration:  2:12:59
Origin:  Deutschland
Official site:
Review online since:  05.11.2008 / 12:27:14


[song Subchapters Not Quoted:]
01 – Kapitel Radio
02 – Das 4. Tier Aß Den Mutterwitz
03 – Kapitel Gabriel
04 – Somnambulismus In Maschinenzimmer 30
05 – Kapitel Hummer
06 – Mein Kuss Erstickt Im Imperativ
07 – Kapitel Michael
08 – Mary Samaels NFB 418
09 – Dunkle, Kalte Materie (ovation Eins)

01 – Dunkle, Kalte Materie (ovation Zwei)
02 – Kapitel Mensch
03 – Maschinensohn
04 – Kapitel Luzifer
05 – Rost, Wahn & Tote Gleise
06 – Kapitel Kinderzimmer
07 – Tod Einer Dieselkatze
08 – Kapitel Heimkehr
09 – Aus Dunkler Ritze Fruchtig’ Wahn

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