Atrox “Orgasm” (2003)

Uff, that one is a very difficult one, trust me. Doesn’t mean it’s bad, just difficult for someone who is not so into the very unique style of Atrox. Their singer Monika Edvardsen (also playing the keys) is often called one of the most interesting female voices in avantgarde-metal. Well, she definetly has strong, experienced vocal chords and so she’s able to squeeze out very high tones, which she does sometimes. Besides, she’s responsible for all the lyrics, which seem like wonderful puzzles or riddles, though the meaning always kinda “touches” the listener. Not easy to catch, but it’s there. Sounds strange? It is. The music itself changes just like the singing of Monika. Hard metal beats meet dreamy surrealistic parts, female vocals meet few male vocals, there are slow parts, there are fast parts, there are strangely experimental parts like in “Burning Bridges”. In the end they definetly know how to make music. Whether you may like it or not is another question. But you SHOULD give them a listen and if you do so, listen more than once, cause it is nearly impossible to grab the full content of their songs listening to them only once.

Tracks you should check out:
– Burning Bridges
– Heartquake

By the way, the album cover was painted by Monika Edvardsen, as well.
It perfectly expresses their weird music, I’d say…

-Kevin Reichel


Release:  2003
Label:  Code 666
Avantgenre:  Surrealistic Sirens’ Experimental Avantgarde Metal
Duration:  51:06
Origin:  Norway
Official site:  None
Review online since:  14.09.2009 / 20:30:04


01 – Methods Of Survival
02 – Flesh City
03 – Heartquake
04 – Burning Bridges
05 – This Vigil
06 – Tentacles
07 – Second Hand Trauma
08 – Fact Sense

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