Rosetta “A Determinism of Morality” (2010)

Iron scraps, silicon and asbestos. A gargantua of colossal dimensions, awkward, moves its first step.

Part machine and part beast, its roar sounds like the simultaneous rumbling of the car wrecks’ engines composing its body.

A choir of dirty, intermittent lights announces its presence, supplied from unknown energy.

Abandoned, screeching, this is the representation of waste itself, marching towards city’s dim bright halos and faint noises. It’s not searching vengeance, because waste is prived of sin – just like an animal, it’s instinctively coming back home.

A gargantuan creature claiming its promised land.

And, this night, skyscrapers will tremble. Elegies of excruciating screams will hail to the enormous lost sheep.

The one crying acid tears, oil and toxic mixtures – such a bitter bile.

Asphalt cracks under its mechanical feet, while a smell of blood is in the air and accustomed mobs observe defenseless.

It’s not welcomed nor rejected, it brings destruction but it’s just searching for peace.
At the maximum edge of agony, enveloped in smoke, it lays down in the streets, conscious of its senseless existence.

Inhabitants of the city start climbing the giant, laying waste.

Environment and humanity, in a deterministic relationship, without any morality.

Maybe it’s not what Rosetta were trying to say, but surely it is what Rosetta sound like in 2010.

Enjoy the melancholy.

-Marco Guerra Avitabile


Release:  2010
Label:  Translation Loss
Avantgenre:  Homesick Wreckage Music
Duration:  47:42
Origin:  USA
Official site:
Review online since:  10.06.2010 / 20:35:30


01. Ayil
02. Je N’en Connais Pas La Fin
03. Blue Day For Croatia
04. Release
05. Revolve
06. Renew
07. A Determinism Of Morality

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