The Secret “Solve Et Coagula” (2010)



The silence of that usual urban night was so thick and vicious, that noises struggled to get through it.

But I could clearly hear a few shots in the alley right beneath my flatblock.
Some fast handgun shots, followed by screams, enraged swearings and chaos in the streets.

According to the necrology, two bodies were found that night.
The victim’s names were mr. Average Evil Music and mrs. Cruel Diplomatic Bullshit.

The Secret killed them.
Without any pity, beyond any reasonable edge of violence.

– Marco Guerra Avitabile


Release:  September 2010
Label:  Southern Lord
Avantgenre:  Chants Of The Uneasy
Duration:  34:31
Origin:  Italy
Official site:

Review online since:  04.11.2010 / 18:58:22


01 – Cross Builder
02 – Death Alive
03 – Double Slaughter
04 – Where It Ends
05 – Antitalian
06 – Weatherman
07 – Pleasure In Self Destruction
08 – Eve Of The Last Day
09 – Pursuit Of Discomfort
10 – Bell Of Urgency
11 – War Desire
12 – 1968

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