What would be more suitable to present to the dear reader an interesting fact about Charles Lindbergh for every song on this album. Enjoy!
01 – Spill!
According to some obscure astrology homepage on the interweb the birth mates
(Equivalents of “2/4/1902”) to Charles Lindbergh are: Charles “Mr. Majestix” Bronson, Chuck Norris, Frederick II and Kurt Vonnegut.
02 – Awful Fall
Goering once presented Lindbergh the Verdienstkreuz Deutscher Adler. Apparently both did not dig Roosevelt very much.
03 – Filistata
When Lindbergh died Paul McCartney & Wings were Number 1 in the British album charts with ‘Band on the Run’. In May 2007 the same album was made available through the iTunes Store.
04 – A Year of Judges
In the Smithsonian you can see a piece of his famous airplane where there is a swastica painted on it. Mind you, pre-fascist Indian luck symbol-wise.
05 – So Close
On the 11th of August 1927 Lindbergh took Henry Ford for his first flight. They only flew for 10 minutes and Edsel Ford was with them.
06 – Tablescrap
Lindbergh’s wife Anne Morrow wrote a lot of books. I have not read one. Yet.
07 – Swint or Slide
On his way back (after his famous flight) from Europe he took the USS Memphis. When he landed in NY four million people said ‘Hello Lindy!’.
08 – Mind Your Eyes
Rumor has it that Lindbergh has several illegitimate children with Brigitte and with Marietta Hesshaimer (Brigitte’s sister). Those with no sins shall throw the first stone (over the Atlantic).
09 – Lifeless
In december 1927 Lindbergh visited Mexico and he first met Ambassador Dwight Morrow and his daughters.
10 – Tall Tales
Lindbergh’s famous airplane was only 3 metres high. Maximum speed was 220 km/h though.
11 – Push Button
Lindbergh reportedly should have said “Isn’t it strange that what we talk least about the things we think about…”. If I had a time machine I would grab O.J. Simpson and Lindbergh to make a tv show.
12 – Gathering Fingers
The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation was created in 1977, the 50th Anniversary year of Charles Lindbergh’s New York-to-Paris flight.
13 – The Button Has Been Pushed
In 1924, Lindbergh entered a U.S. Army flying school at San Antonio, Texas. His father was of Swedish origin.
-Jonny Lignano
Release: 2006
Label: No Comment Records
Avantgenre: Kid Rock
Duration: 46:66
Origin: USotheA
Official site: http://stolenbabiestheband.com/
Review online since: 15.03.2009 / 20:00:14
01 – Spill!
02 – Awful Fall
03 – Filistata
04 – A Year Of Judges
05 – So Close
06 – Tablescrap
07 – Swint Or Slide
08 – Mind Your Eyes
09 – Lifeless
10 – Tall Tales
11 – Push Button
12 – Gathering Fingers
13 – The Button Has Been Pushed
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